EXCLUSIVE | The mistake that nailed Andrew and Tristan Tate even more. How the British millionaires fell into the net of DIICOT prosecutors

EXCLUSIVE | The mistake that nailed Andrew and Tristan Tate even more. How the British millionaires fell into the net of DIICOT prosecutors
Publicat: 05/03/2023, 08:00
Actualizat: 06/03/2023, 09:02

While in the Capital Police Central Prison, Andrew and Tristan Tate made a mistake that helped investigators learn how they intended to hamper the investigation and compromise the image of the prosecutors. The two British millionaires accused of human trafficking did not consider the fact that their phone conversations could be intercepted, despite precautions.

Following the raid of the DIICOT prosecutors at the end of last year and their remand in custody, the millionaires Andrew and Tristan Tate have been looking for ways to convince the court  to let them free.

After bringing in lawyers from abroad and trying  to send notes to the journalists who were waiting for them outside the DIICOT headquarters, in which they had written that they were innocent, they tried a new strategy.

Because only a limited number of people are allowed to call from the prison phone, the Tate brothers called the people on the list approved by the Central Prison management, who in their turn, put them in touch with other close people by teleconference.

The Tate brothers’ conversations from custody were being monitored.

Without realizing that the DIICOT prosecutors could monitor these dialogues, Andrew Tate contacted, in this way, a trusted woman, who was supposed to contact, according to the British, AUR leader George Simion and Senator Diana Șoșoacă, to tell them that if they defended them in public and they were let out, they would be rewarded.

”Andrew Tate: „ So give them this incentive, because it’s true. Andrew Ford’s (the Tate brothers’ British lawyer – ed.) plan is just the social media stuff, that’s fine, but we need it and we need it now. It shouldn’t take that long”.
Ana Maria T.: „Yes”.

Andrew Tate: „ Also, Ana, there’s a guy named George Simion, he’s a protester or something, he’s on Facebook and he’s always posting about various things”.
Ana Maria T.: „Ah! Yes, yes, yes, I know”.

Andrew Tate: „ Talk to him and anyone else like him who doesn’t like the corruption in Romania and make him understand that if he helps us, he will be rewarded. Do you understand?”
Ana Maria T.: „Yes, yes”.

Andrew Tate: „ Talk to him and tell him that this case is bullshit, they are Americans, they make Romania look bad, DIICOT is corrupt”.
Ana Maria T.: „And also, Șoșoacă, she is also a lawyer, she also fought against COVID, you remember her now”.

Andrew Tate: „Yes, both of them”.
Ana Maria T.: „OK”.

Andrew Tate: „ Make them and tell them that DIICOT is corrupt and this is very bad for Romania, it is very bad for the image, these guys are innocent, look here, they are the victims, let them say there are no other victims. If you take sides with the boys, when the boys come out, they’ll make sure that you will be rewarded for telling the truth”, according to a part of the transcript of the interception of discussions filed by the DIICOT prosecutors.

Andrew and Tristan Tate, together with Luana Radu and Georgiana Naghel, were detained on the 29-th of December 2022 and remanded in custody a day later, at the request of the DIICOT prosecutors, who accuse them „of allegedly establishing an organized criminal group during 2021 with a view to committing the crime of human trafficking in Romania and other countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom”.

„The victims were then transported and housed in buildings in Ilfov county where, through acts of physical violence and psychological coertion (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and the allegation of debts),they  were sexually exploited by members of the group by being forced to engage in pornographic acts with a view to producing and disseminating such material via social media platforms and by being forced to perform forced labor in order to obtain significant financial benefits consisting in sums of money obtained as a result of users accessing the material”, according to the DIICOT.


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Andrei Dumitrescu
Andrei Dumitrescu este un jurnalist specializat în realizarea de articole legate, în special, de activitatea Ministerului Afacerilor Interne și toate mai mult

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